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  The Benefits of Drama and Play   

1. Drama builds confidence 
Even the least confident children take just a few weeks to gently build up their self-esteem. Before long they are confident enough to take a full and active part in sessions. A few weeks is all it takes.

2. Drama helps concentration
In every session, children are encouraged to listen to each other's ideas and thoughts and to take turns. These activities allow children to recognise the value of concentration; a skill that is vital in the world outside their home.

3. Drama helps develop language and communication skills
Learning new songs, playing new games and participating in pretend play (when children must take on the language of the role they are playing), all contribute to a child's developing vocabulary. They are encouraged to express themselves both verbally and through facial expression and body language; the key to making them better communicators.

4. Drama encourages children to cooperate
Every activity in Playtime Drama, from playing drama games to improvisation, requires cooperation. Children quickly realise that to get the best out of sessions, cooperation is a much-needed skill!

5. Drama helps children to understand the world around them
We explore a range of different themes and introduce children to a variety of real and imaginary situations each week, sparking their interest in the world in which they live and making them more inquisitive (and therefore more interesting!) little people.

6. Drama is therapeutic

In exploring the world, and people around them, children can engage with their own thoughts and feelings in a creative and therapeutic way, without even realising that they are.

7. Drama develops emotional intelligence
By encouraging children to act out a range of emotions in the safe and supportive environment of a Playtime Drama class, children are better able to understand their feelings and develop empathy with others.

8. Drama assists physical development
In each session, we may create simple movement sequences and play drama games - all designed to help children gain mastery over their growing bodies.

9. Drama develops creativity
Creative people can view things in new ways and from different perspectives. They can think on their feet and generate new ideas. Our child-led approach to improvisation and pretend play encourages the development of creativity as children lead the direction of the drama themselves, come up with solutions to problems in role play, and respond imaginatively to a range of pretend situations.

10. Drama nurtures friendships
By its very nature drama can create strong bonds between children as they laugh, learn and grow together week after week after week!

At Playtime Drama our emphasis is on role play and imagination, not performance. Although in many children we see the blossoming of a lifelong 
love of drama, we're not deliberately setting out to teach the children to be actors and performers. Drama, pretending and role-playing is instinctive and has many, many benefits. Our emphasis is clear - developing skills for life!

In class the teacher uses their drama skills to create imaginary worlds that the children explore together; recreating events, learning how to respond to different situations, meeting and communicating with different characters and learning how they fit in - all in the safe and supportive environment of the class.

So, as we make a plan to set Pirate Pat free from his captors, we're learning that we can be brave; and as we tiptoe through the jungle past that sleeping lion we're learning to be cautious. Looking after the poorly tadpoles helps us develop empathy. Singing with our friends around the campfire nurtures confidence. Working as a doctor for the day teaches us lots of new words, so develops our language and communication skills; and waiting in line to buy a rainbow flavoured ice-cream helps us to understand patience, as well as teaching us the importance of taking turns!

Playtime Drama doesn't just develop social skills; our classes are ideal for helping young children develop their physical skills too. Walking the tightrope in the Big Top helps us to master balancing, being a grasshopper strengthens our leg muscles, taking part in the Olympics enhances our fitness...

Imagination can take you everywhere. It can allow you to explore far-off lands and go on amazing adventures. It's also key to helping our children lead happy and successful lives outside of their home...

So what are you waiting for! Check out our range of Playtime Drama sessions below.

* Themed Sessions

* Curriculum Based   

*Interactive Storytelling    

* Role Play 

* Imaginative Play    

*Situation Drama     

* Half term

* Easter   


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